EMP 990   EMU PRofessor  6 credits
Dissertation Research and Writing

Audience and Prerequisites

This course is open to doctoral candidates in Energy Medicine who have successfully completed their Qualifying Examination in EMP 980 and are ready to formally complete their dissertation research project.


The final project is the cornerstone of graduate degree work. It may take any of several forms, quantitative, qualitative, or participatory action research, or a major project demonstrating excellence, depending upon the expectations of the program faculty. In whatever form it takes, it must represent original work by the participant. At the masters level, it is the demonstration of mastery of an advanced body of knowledge in a given field. At the doctoral level, it is an original contribution to the field. The final project will take the form of a standard “traditional” dissertation of 150 or more typewritten pages for the dissertation. The document will conform to the guidelines of the University, the expectations of faculty, and the APA style manual.


In the course of the research project each student will:

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