EMP 7531    M. Gutierrez   3 credits
Indigenous Medicine: Multi-dimensional Ways of Healing


Indigenous science has been recorded for thousands of years, by ancient astronomers, healers, shamans and wisdom keepers, through oral tradition mostly, but also through scribing on stone, wood or woven materials. Today, Western trained physicists, doctors and anthropologists are sharing notes with traditional indigenous wisdom keepers and finding that modern science has finally caught up to the wisdom held by native societies.

Traditional native societies around the world perceive reality from an animist, dynamic viewpoint, where human beings are in constant relationship with other non-human intelligences, such as the ancestors, elements, supernatural beings, cosmic forces, animals, plants and minerals. It was through tending to these sacred relationships that native healers were able to heal.

This is a survey course exploring indigenous medicine techniques and practices from diverse global traditional cultures.




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