Richard Blasband, MD

Dr. Blasband is a board-certified psychiatrist who trained and taught in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. His specialty is psychiatric orgone therapy, having studied with the individual Wilhelm Reich appointed to train physicians in his methods of therapy. A founder and past-President of the American College of Orgonomy and the Journal of Orgonomy, Dr. Blasband has been President of the College and Editor of the Journal.

Currently he is the research director of the Center for Functional Research in Sausalito, California, where he practices therapy. The mission of the Center is to experimentally explore the interface of consciousness and life energy. Dr. Blasband also studies with the theoretical physicist and master healer, Nicolai Levashov whose method he uses to treat somatic disorders.

Professor Blasband has published over 50 papers on orgone therapy, biophysics, and consciousness and is a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the International Society for Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, and is a Research Fellow of the Princeton University-based International Consciousness Research Laboratory.

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Sausalito, California USA

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