EMP 836    r. blasband    3 credits
Functional Medicine II  


From about 3000 BC to the 1600s a mode of thought originally named “perennial philosophy” by the philosopher Leibniz and later resurrected by Aldous Huxley, was a major, if not the principle, way of understanding Man and nature. According to Woodhouse, “Perennialism encompasses two relatively independent traditions whose main principles converge. One tradition springs from the experiences of both Eastern and Western mystics and spiritual leaders, supplemented at times with substantial philosophical insight and argument. The other tradition, which I shall term the ‘Occult Wisdom’ centers around the teachings of psychically gifted individuals or groups whose connection with recognized religious traditions is marginal. Both traditions stress the existence of irreducible and interpenetrating dimensions beyond the physical, a Godhead, spiritual evolution, and the interconnectedness of all things.” With the Renaissance and the work of Galileo, modern science has, however, with a few exceptions, pursued an increasingly mechanistic direction eschewing all explanatory causes of action except for the movement of atoms within a void. This reductionistic philosophy and practice has held sway in mainstream science until the present day.

Perennialism, did manage to survive, however, although mostly “underground” into our present age, carried forward by independently thinking scientists, philosophers, and physicians. While mechanism maintains that the investigator’s subjective states must be discounted in order to obtain an accurate understanding of reality free of the distortions of the thought processes of the scientist, those operating with the perennial point of view hold that subjectivity not only must not be eliminated from the scientific equation, but must necessarily be included, indeed must be paramount. It is not that objectivity and objectification through experimentation should be ignored, but objectification should only be conducted after one has a deep subjective appreciation of the object under investigation. Scientists who espoused perennialism or something akin to it, without necessarily naming their practice as such, included scholars such as Goethe and Rudolph Steiner and in our modern era the physician and scientist, Wilhelm Reich. In this course we will focus primarily on Reich’s work, but include the writings of other perennial thinkers, some who pre-dated and influenced Reich, and others who arrived at their point of view after Reich and independently of him.


To study the processes of conscious and unconscious intention of human beings in the natural biological realm, in medical pathology, and in the Earth’s environment. To research and estimate the effect of human consciousness on biological and physical systems.



Course packet with more than 50 articles published by Dr. Blasband and other experts on therapy, cancer, orgonomic biophysics, consciousness, and healing. Articles include:

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